Ch Alilah Konkerah of Araki

ch-alilahkonkerahofarakiCH ALILAH KONKERAH OF ARAKI . he was a prolific winner including best in show at the TTA championship show. he is the greatest stud dog the breed has ever known. siring more champions than any other Tibetan terrier ever in the history of the breed

Ch Passiflora Chanson Of JemecsCh Dokham Fasolts Of JemecsCh Willowbrae Willow
Ch Hlaka Kangri of Dokham
Ch Charisma Of AlilahCh Willowbrae WillowLuneville Prince Khan
Sirellflow Bety Su of Willowbrae
Ch Hardacre DilysCh Dokham Cavaropossi of Tintavon
Ch Hardacre Aurora

Champion Alilah Knokerah of Araki Pedigree